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Paradise Lost
6 posts
Paradise Lost release “Believe In Nothing – remixed & remastered”
British cult metallers PARADISE LOST released the remixed and remastered version of their eighth full-length album »Believe In Nothing«! Initially published…
Paradise Lost discuss the dark atmosphere on »Host« & »Believe In Nothing«
On June 29th, British cult metallers PARADISE LOST will release a remixed and remastered version of their eighth full-length album »Believe…
Paradise Lost (ili bolje Sinistro i Pallbearer) u Boogaloou
Izvještaj sa nastupa bendova Paradise Lost, Sinistro i Pallbearer u zagrebačkom Boogaloou Britanski doom i gothic metalci Paradise…
Paradise Lost u subotu u zagrebačkom Boogaloou
Metal legende Paradise Lost dolaze 14. listopada u zagrebački Boogaloo predstaviti svoj novi album “Medusa” uz goste Pallbearer…
Najžešća gitarska eksplozija na Exitu!
Jedna od vodećih bina EXIT festivala, kultni Explosive, i ove godine na staro mjesto u rovovima tvrđave dovodi…
Paradise Lost objavio spot za pjesmu „Beneath Broken Earth“
Britanski gothic metal bend Paradise Lost izdao je spot za pjesmu „Beneath Broken Earth“ sa nadolazećeg albuma „The…
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